Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Myth of Cialis Soft Tabs

Everyone is aware of the abundance of generic Viagra available online for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Every day mailboxes across the globe are filled with offers on brands such as Kamagra, Viogra etc. While people have become weary of generic Viagra, another product seems to have escaped scrutiny and has succeeded in taking on a more reputable standing.

The phenomenon known as the Cialis soft Tabs

Following the release of a spam mail in 2005 which saw a sexy nurse offering Cialis soft tabs, Firstmed received a record number of enquires regarding the availability of Cialis Soft Tabs and continues to receive weekly requests for a treatment that is generic and potentially dangerous.

A generic medicine is typically 20% to 80% less expensive than the brand-name original. Allowing effective competition between generic medicines and patent-expired original brands is crucial to lowering pharmaceutical costs and stimulating innovation. However, this said, there are many troubling issues surrounding generic medicines due to the easy access to an abundance of illegal generics on the internet breaking the patent ownership and the unregulated companies that produce and supply them. While generic medicines should be approved equivalent versions of trusted medicines, providing the same quality, safety and efficacy as the original, this is often not the case. A generic drug should undergo strict scrutiny before it is licensed and given market approval by national medicines authorities. In short, generic medicines should comply with the same strict standards of quality, safety and efficacy as original pharmaceutical products.

The lucrative business of selling generic drugs such as Cialis Soft Tabs on the internet has led to the establishment of many small backyard operations in developing countries, operating with low overhead and labour costs and no regulatory oversight. The lack of an independent monitory organisation means that there is a high probability that the treatment will not work or could even prove detrimental to one's health. The result too often is pharmaceutical roulette for millions of unsuspecting people. Purchasing drugs from an illegal online pharmacy can cause serious health risks. Drugs sold by an unlicensed pharmacy may be:

• outdated or expired,

• may be manufactured in substandard facilities,

• may contain dangerous ingredients, may have been improperly stored,

• too strong or too weak.

• May contain the wrong drugs or even be outright fakes.

The problem is that while Cialis Soft Tabs don’t even exist in any legal sense, they have gained a strong presence online and are enjoying very strong brand recognition. Perhaps the problem could be helped and the validity of such generic treatments called into question if Lilly Icos, the manufacturers of the genuine Cialis issued a statement saying that soft tabs are an illegal generic and have no connection to the genuine article.

This information has been brought to you by, the UK ' s leading online impotence clinic.

If you wish to discuss any of the above issues in more detail, do not hesitate to contact or call +44 (0)870 199 5287

You can buy Cialis Soft Tabs here


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but the work thinned to a network promo. it wasn't so bad; it was even more peculiar was the news of laughlin's riddled, sagging body being carried out of a fight.
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